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ZF Israeli Political Update

ZF Israeli Political Update

Following over two years of political deadlock, Israel is edging towards the formation of a new unity government which would replace current Prime Minister, Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu of the Likud party. Formally led by centrist Yair Lapid of the Yesh Atid party, it...

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Solidarity with Israel: The Rally

Solidarity with Israel: The Rally

Last Sunday, over 2500 people gathered in Central London to show their support for Israel following yet another round of hostilities with Hamas and thousands of indiscriminate rocket attacks against civilian population centres. Braving forecasts of torrential rain,...

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ZF Hanhalah statement on Paul Charney’s resignation

ZF Hanhalah statement on Paul Charney’s resignation

  We are saddened to formally announce the resignation of Paul Charney as Chairman of the Zionist Federation. We thank him deeply for his dedication in developing the ZF. In addition we should also like to thank Jonathan Turner for his contributions following his...

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Zionist Federation welcomes ceasefire between Israel and Hamas

Zionist Federation welcomes ceasefire between Israel and Hamas

The Zionist Federation welcomes yesterday’s announcement that Israel and Hamas have agreed to enter a ceasefire brokered by Egyptian mediators. This came into effect at 2am local time, and appears to be holding. Following eleven days of near constant rocket fire, this...

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ZF Chair statement on ‘Solidarity with Israel’ rally

ZF Chair statement on ‘Solidarity with Israel’ rally

This Sunday, 23rd May, the Zionist Federation will be holding a solidarity rally in support of Israel close to the Israeli Embassy in South Kensington. Organised in conjunction with the Metropolitan Police and Community Security Trust, this rally has also been...

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ZF Chairman statement on Jerusalem violence and Gaza rockets

ZF Chairman statement on Jerusalem violence and Gaza rockets

ZF Chairman’s statement on the current violence in Jerusalem and rocket attacks from Gaza 11th May 2021 We wholeheartedly condemn the Palestinian Authority and Hamas for seizing upon the civil dispute in Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem as an excuse to incite and call for...

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ZF Chair’s statement following the Mt. Meron tragedy

ZF Chair’s statement following the Mt. Meron tragedy

30th April 2021. Following the overnight tragedy where a stampede at a Lag Ba'Omer celebration at Israel's Mt. Meron has so far killed 44 and injured at least 150, ZF Chairman Paul Charney made this statement: "On behalf of the Zionist Federation of the UK and...

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ZF Chair’s response to Human Rights Watch report

ZF Chair’s response to Human Rights Watch report

Statement from Paul Charney, Chair of the Zionist Federation of UK and Ireland  27.04.2021 Human Rights Watch’s (HRW) publication, “A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution”, issued today, 27th April 2021, is simply the...

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