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I believe the children are our are future. Teach them well and let them lead the way

For the past two weeks, ZF staff have been working in schools, Jewish and non-Jewish teaching about different aspects of Israel. Through these sessions over 200 school pupils have been engaged through 8 different sessions in 6 different schools.

Working with school pupils is part of the core work of the ZF. Educating them on all that Israel is, does and offers is key to creating the Zionists of the future. These sessions touched on topics such as Israel’s environmental innovation, Israel as the startup nation, Israeli politics, and the prospects for peace. Through this variety of topics, we aim to show Israel for what it truly is; a multi-facetted society, with a multitude of different opinions, bringing its expertise and knowledge to the world, whilst struggling for peace on its own borders.

Working alongside the UJIA, Jewish Agency and the Israeli Embassy, the ZF participated in a multi-day schools conference – Israel: Get Connected – and was part of two different panels during these events. The panels were an exciting way to show that Zionism is not homogenous, with different people holding different opinions, but the fundamental commonality of belief and desire for a thriving state of Israel.

If you would like to find out more about the work that the ZF does in schools, or other events we are holding then get in touch with us on and we would be delighted to welcome you to a future event.