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Yesterday, on the eve of Chanukah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, another light was lit as Morocco agreed to normalise ties with Israel, making it the fourth Arab state to do so this year.

ZF Chairman Paul Charney made the following statement:

Morocco joins the circle of the Abraham Accords.

We are delighted to hear that Morocco has joined the UAE, Bahrain and Sudan in formalising ties with Israel.
As we have stated previously, the winds of change continue to sweep across the Arab world, bringing with
them peace, hope and security for the entire region.

The warm ties of the King of Morocco and the Moroccan people to the Jewish community there are no secret,
but now, with this normalisation, the hundreds of thousands of Jews who left Morocco for Israel following
Israel’s establishment in 1948 can, more openly and actively, explore their Moroccan heritage.  It is
solid foundations such as these that suggest this latest normalisation deal will be as warm as those
deals with the UAE, Bahrain and Sudan.

Bolstering this suggestion of the level of warmth of this deal are the agreements by the King of Morocco
and Prime Minister Netanyahu to reopen economic liaison offices, which were closed in 2002, to work
quickly to exchange ambassadors and begin direct flights and expand economic and cultural
cooperation to advance regional stability.

We hope that the world will join the USA, Israel and Morocco in celebrating this breakthrough
and urge the Palestinians to embrace meaningful negotiations rather than rejection and conflict.

You can read more about this latest historic agreement in a Jerusalem Post article here